Like many of my runs in the desert or rural areas, the route was planned using Google Earth and there were NO ROADSIGNS once the run began. I knew that I should ignore early teaser roads and run out about 2 miles before taking a trail with a greater-than-90° turn to the right. The problem was that there were several roads that I didn't remember - or that were not really roads. A lot of the maps on Google are 18 months old or more and the ATVs have added new trails that don't show up and that don't necessarily even have a destination. And so it was today, I had wandered off into the desert on an unmarked trail headed for who knows where. That was not really a problem once I realized the issue. One of the great things about running in the great wide open is that you can see forever. So I just followed a series of trails that eventually connected me with the state line. Let's just call it bonus fun!
The Road to Nevada |
Where the Road to Nevada begins |
Map #CARPe Crazy Ass Running Plan